About Us

In this busy world, there needs to be a place of comfort, growth, and safety. People are looking for family ties. We are excited about the way the Lord is working among His people here at Cornerstone Family Church. We desire to be a family. We believe the church should be a place of healing for those who are wounded by the struggles of life. It is our sincere belief that this is what Christ intends for us.
For those who are looking for a place to get connected, we encourage you to consider that the Lord may be leading you to become a part of our fellowship. We are a Christ-centered, Bible-believing church. We believe that Jesus is the only way to an abundant life here in this world and an eternal life in the time to come. The church is not for just a few but is the body of Christ reaching out to all. We are learning and growing together, and we would love to have you join us.
As you consider the leadership of the Lord in your life, we would want you to know that you are entirely welcome here at CFCFH. It is our prayer that you follow the Lord’s direction in all things and get connected in the place He has for you.
May you experience His blessings as you seek His will.
Pastor Tony Pierce